Monday 24 August 2009

A clarification...

I don't believe in going back and editing posts - its dishonest. Unless of course, whatever I've said is libelous, in which case, I'm not that stupid (but thinking about it, and that libel actions are very expensive, I'm unlikely to be in a position where libel threats are ever a problem - I don't think the Barclay brothers play semi-pro).

Moving on though, and this has not been prompted by any contact, I realise my comments about the match programme at the end of the YMCA report could suggest it was previously not a good read - this was not the intended point. It was pointed towards other programmes in the league, not our own, which has always been good. It was also meant as a point of gratitude given Mike Green's other work commitments and the short time scale he had in arranging it and editing it. So here's a re-write:

"The matchday programme is back to the sensible price of £1.50 (last seasons cost increase to £1.60 was necessary due to the economic situation but not convenient to find the right change for - also, many supporters give £2 and let the club keep the change rounding out of a total £10 spend including the gate fee). Given Mike Green's recent introduction as editor, on what I understand is a temporary basis as cover for John Crow, he has done a sterling job in arranging its quick professional production at short notice, and the "behind the red door" feature is a good way of bringing all the hard work of club volunteers to the fore, and the "Chat Box" feature makes the club seem less secular. Good work, and good value given some of the other programmes available at this level"....

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